disodoso2004-12-19 03:19:24
Hi, buddies,

I just got the Canadian immigration visa. I would like to share my timeline with you guys.

1. October, 2003: sent out application to Buffalo
2. November, 2003: got file number (first letter)
3. May, 2004: got second letter, interview waived; need to do the background check;
4. June 2004: sent out the documents required in the second letter; did FP and medical exam
5. October, 2004: pay landing fee
6. November, 2004: being asked for passport
7. December, 2004: received passport with the permanent resident visa.

I know there are much pain and uncertainty in this long process. But I think most of us will get the good result.
Have to look for a full-time job now. It is like, when you clumb up a high mountain, suddenly, you find out you need to clumb up another one. And lots of mountains waiting there for you. But we can't give up.

Good luck, buddies!
background2004-12-19 03:41:35
回复:Share my timeline & Good luck
tigerusa2004-12-19 19:34:52
回复:Share my timeline & Good luck
disodoso2004-12-20 01:32:35
disodoso2004-12-20 01:35:36
回复:回复:Share my timeline & Good luck
EricHsu2004-12-20 22:53:43
回复:Share my timeline & Good luck