dll32004-12-21 04:47:14
I just received a letter from BCIS for more evidence on my I140 application. They need my W2 form. The problem is that my income shown in W2 form is lower than the advertised wage indicated in my labor cert. I am not sure if it is a problem to let BCIS know that I was not paid with the required salary in LC. My company told me they would give this payment after I got my green card.
Thanks for help.
刘三保2004-12-21 14:31:01
you are in trouble
要有律师帮你2004-12-21 14:40:55
我觉得是个问题, 不一定是大问题, 估计律师会解释的.
不能掉以轻心。2004-12-21 16:11:29
我觉得是大问题, 劳工纸的140审批主要就看工资
ThankAll2004-12-22 03:57:22
回复:I140 question
dll32004-12-22 04:59:14
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ThankAll2004-12-22 05:19:39
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