Thanksalot........2004-12-29 01:58:43
我即将毕业, 想申请OPT. 在递交申请时, 要求填写requested number of hours of authorized OPT employment per week. 我现有一Part-time job, 用的是CPT.此Part-time job 还是很stable 的, 但是我不知在填写requested number of hours of authorized OPT employment per week时, 是填20 hours per week好? 还是 40 hours per week?是不是如果填20 hours per week的话, 如果opt 其间有了full-time job offer, 就没办法去了?那如果填了40 hours per week 的话, 但我实际上只part time work, 怎么样操作才能使OPT full time 12 months 变成Opt part time 24 months 呢?

Thanks a lot.
OPT2004-12-29 15:35:47
回复:full time vs. part time OPT
ade2004-12-29 17:09:19
回复:full time vs. part time OPT