lovely_panda2005-01-17 05:33:58
My company can sponsor me for H1B. But I know that immigration would not take application for 2006 until 4/1/05. So I am wondering when is a good time to send in application. If it is first-come-first-serve, is it better to send in app now so I will be in line for them to start taking app?

Thanks in advance
Wait!!2005-01-17 06:15:19
Not accept now!!
lovely_pan2005-01-17 06:26:31
so send in app on April 1st??
sdfsdfsdff2005-01-17 21:27:18
回复:Apply H1B
lovely_pan2005-01-18 20:14:41
我的是美国的本科学历, 那该什么时候开始申请??xie xi