本人2002年6月J-1来美博士后, 按照中美tax treaty我2004年没有交税, 但是税表还要填, 我今年要填1040NR-EZ + 8833表, 可8833表中有几项不知道如何填, 请教过来人给予指点:
1. Check one or both of the following boxes as applicable
(a)The taxpayer is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by section 6114.
(b)The taxpayer is a dual-resident taxpayer and is disclosing a treaty-based return position as required by Regulations section 301.7710(b)-7.
2. List the Internal Revenue Code provision(s) overruled or modified by the treaty-based return position
3. Name, identifying number (if available to the taxpayer), and address in the United States of the payor of the income (if fixed or determinable annual or periodical).
4. List the provision(s) of the limitation on benefits article (if any) in the treaty that the taxpayer relies on to prevent application of that article.