starflower2005-02-16 18:52:32
I am in southern CA and recently talked to my lawyer regarding the H-1B and GC process. He gave me the following fee schedule:

(1) $750 to start the H-1B.
(2) $1000 to start Larbor Certificate
(3) $2500 due when Labor Certificate is approved
(4) $1000 for I-140 and Permanent Residence Application
(5) Balance due when Permanent Residence Application approved.

(Total: $6000)

Please give me some advice if the fee schedule is reasonale. I personally feel that there should be a heavier portion for step (5), but I don't know the market. Thank you very mcuh for your help!!
sdfsdfsdff2005-02-16 22:35:35
回复:Is this fee schedule reasonabl
starflower2005-02-17 00:03:11
Thank you so much!!