lady302005-04-24 01:54:10
I'm currently a postdoc at a so-so university in midwest. My hubby holds a scientist position at same place. He gets paid well (60K). We have a condo and life is pretty good here. But I always want to move to a better lab in a better school which will help me find a better job in the future. Currently I got a offer from UCLA. If I go, my hu*****and will have to find a job there. He likes industrial job but may not that easy to find (he is bioinformatics). If he doesn't find a reasonable job, our life may not be as good in the next few years untill I succeed in a few years. Should we take the risk or not? It's really bothering me.
956162005-04-24 02:16:07
回复:shold I move or not?
拜托拜托2005-04-24 07:33:58
If your hubby got a jb in LA
takeeasy2005-04-25 18:17:07
回复:shold I move or not?