kalem2005-05-09 21:38:39
My NIW 140 (submitted 04/08/04) was approved on 04/01/05 at Vermont Center? My concurrently filed I-485 has no news yet (FP 04/05/05). Now I have to switch employer, because my current position will cease to exist. The new job will be effective at the end of July. I will work in same state and in same field and live at same address as before. The new employer is applying new H-1 visa for me. Because the new employer is located in Tennesse, the specialist told me that they have to submit my H-1 application to Texus Center. Will this trigger a transfer of my I-485? Obviously, I don't want the transfer happen at this stage. Could somebody give me suggestions and advices?

Thank you very much.

phyxujf2005-05-09 23:25:37
you do not need to transfer