"美国劳工部 10 日公布的数据显示,在截至今年 2 月的过去 12 个月内,美国通胀增幅高达 7.9%,创下近 40 年来最高纪录。其中汽油指数在 2 月份环比上升 6.6%,几乎贡献了全部增长的 1/3。家庭食品指数上升 1.4%,这是自 2020 年 4 月以来最大的环比增长。
Annual inflation rate in the Euro Area rose to a fresh record high of 5.8% in February of 2022 from 5.1% in January, above market expectations of 5.4%. Energy continues to record the biggest price increase (31.7% vs 28.8% in January), followed by food, alcohol & tobacco (4.1% vs 3.5%), non-energy industrial goods (3% vs 2.1%) and services (2.5% vs 2.3%), preliminary estimates showed. Core inflation, which excludes prices of energy, food, alcohol and tobacco, accelerated to 2.7% in February from 2.3%. The inflation rate is almost three times above the ECB's target of 2% and hopes that it would start to peak in the early part of 2022 faded as the war in Ukraine exacerbated the energy crisis threatening fuel costs to accelerate even further. source: EUROSTAT
另据法新社 10 日报道,欧洲央行行长拉加德当天发表政策声明,大幅提升今年欧洲通胀预期,称今年欧洲通胀率将高达 5.1%。此外,欧洲央行还将今明两年欧元区经济增长预期分别下调至 3.7% 和 2.8%。"