xia232022-04-21 12:53:59

1. What is the function of the two double line (pencil arrow pointed, with a question mark) the last two measures before the end of this piece and how to play it? (p. 56, Level 2, The older beginner piano course by James Bastien).

2. How to play the lift (pencil arrow pointed, with a question mark) on the music sheet? (p. 6, Vol. 1, Solos for young violinists by Barbara Barber) 

Thank you very much in advance.

大城小厨2022-04-21 14:15:36
欲借嵯峨2022-04-21 14:49:00
xia232022-04-21 15:27:40
Thank you very much for your help.
silver5452022-04-21 15:31:19
我来回答。。。。I don't know lol
大城小厨2022-04-21 16:36:03
纠正:2). 3 (左手无名指)一直按着,直到横线结束。在(left) 的地方弓抬离琴弦一下,把弓下部移到拉下个音位置
xia232022-04-22 05:06:19
Thank you again. I have another question:
xia232022-04-22 05:13:08
Thank everyone for your help, especially 大城小厨!
大城小厨2022-04-22 10:19:30
trim the nail is the only solution for playing the violin