重唱这首瑜伽颂歌的时候,网上察看,原来不是梵语,而是西非的Yoruban语,哈哈哈,这环球之旅第一关算打通 了;))
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were
Ochun is the goddess of love
Chant which speaks about a necklace
Which is a symbol of the initiation into
Ide Were Were is a song to the goddess Ochun, the goddess of intimacy, love, beauty, wealth, and the Mother of the African sweet or fresh waters.
In her form as the mother of salt waters, the goddess is known as Yemaya.
Moreover, according to the Yoruba elders, Goddess Oshun is the “unseen mother present at every gathering” because She is the Yoruba understanding of the cosmological forces of attraction, moisture, and water.
The Yoruba people are an African ethnic group that occupies southwestern Nigeria and Benin.