wxzdda2021-11-20 17:07:02

本人亲属,持有绿卡超过5年,2020年初精神分裂症首次病发,之后两次5150 (3 day involuntary psych hold)。2020年底接受治疗后,完全清醒。至今一直服药,将近一年,病情没有复发。打算申请入籍。有几个问题不清楚,请大家不吝赐教:

(1) 入籍会被拒吗?在USCIS网站上找到这个,不知是否适用于入籍:

   Chapter 7 - Physical or Mental Disorder with Associated Harmful Behavior:
   Applicants who have physical or mental disorders and harmful behavior associated with those disorders are inadmissible. The inadmissibility ground is divided into two subcategories:

  • Current physical or mental disorders, with associated harmful behavior.
  • Past physical or mental disorders, with associated harmful behavior that is likely to recur or lead to other harmful behavior.

(2) 如果不入籍,持绿卡在美国生活,会有麻烦吗?USCIS会遣返吗?

(3) 持绿卡离境再入境时,会被拒入境吗?


xiaoxiao20132021-11-21 08:11:45
單身老貓2021-11-21 12:50:45
wxzdda2021-11-22 09:04:47