akc2022-05-03 09:29:27

More than 60%. The question remains how the overturning of Roe would impact the mid term election in November. As it stands now polls shows GOP is poised to re-take the House and perhaps the Senate. The ruling may draw women and indep votes back to Dems. This may not be a totally bad news for liberals. 

hello20022022-05-03 09:46:44
柠檬椰子汁2022-05-03 09:54:11
hello20022022-05-03 09:58:57
着啊! 所以SC预设是在代表民意的宪法下工作的?
柠檬椰子汁2022-05-03 10:54:58
akc2022-05-03 11:21:40
Draft opinion is not a final decision, the votes may...
柠檬椰子汁2022-05-03 11:40:52
Boumediene v. Bush 2008
hello20022022-05-05 19:39:45