我读过Greenspan(1987~2006的美联储主席)的回忆录。共和党派他这个专家去给竞选中的里根补课,生怕演员闹笑话。Greenspan跟着各州跑竞选的里根,想见缝插针给他一个Economics 101,但里根总是找到借口翘课。后来在一次东西海岸间的飞机上,Greenspan被党务人员故意安排坐在里根旁边。里根眼看溜不掉了,就丢了这么一个段子:
President Leonid Brezhnev is standing atop Lenin's tomb, reviewing the May Day parade. The full Soviet Union military might is on display. Battalions of elite troops goosestep in all their uniformed splendour. They are followed by hundreds of tanks and artillery. Then come dozens of nuclear missiles. And after the missiles come… half a dozen shabbily-dressed civilians, shuffling along and looking utterly out of place. An aide begs Brezhnev's forgiveness: “Comrade Secretary, my apologies, I do not know who these people are or how they've come into our parade.” “Do not be concerned, Comrade,” replies Brezhnev. “I am responsible for them. They are our economists, and you have no idea how much
damage they can do.”