Joiner, Lynne 写了“ Honorable Survivor: Mao's China, McCarthy's America, and the Persecution of John S. Service.”一书。她从FBI的档案中查到国民政府情报部门曾向美国通报他在重庆有一个女演员的中国情妇是特务
It is, perhaps, not so surprising that Service had an affair in Chungking with a beautiful Chinese actress in 1944. What is astonishing is that this love affair became tangled into his loyalty investigation six years later when Chiang's agents (then in Taiwan) sent a secret report to the FBI claiming Service had consorted with female spies during the war—and had fathered an illegitimate child. These allegations became a prime (but confidential) reason for his dismissal from the Foreign Service.
谢伟思1944年在重庆和赵同居期间与另外两个知名的共谍合住一处。 克格勃的Solomon Adler 和直接受周恩来领导的潜伏在国民政府经济顾问孔祥熙身边的助理冀朝鼎,(外交部冀朝铸的哥哥). 两人后来都是中共的高官。这个故事的背景非常复杂,周恩来是背后的推手。