二战专家2017-04-12 15:26:54






South of the border, the situation is much different. On Tuesday, officials sought to reassure South Koreans that the US would not take unilateral action against North Korea without consulting Seoul.
"The United States makes it clear that it will not take a new policy or measure without consultations with us," South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho June-hyuck told reporters.
Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang-gyun warned people against being "blinded by exaggerated assessments on the security situation of the Korean Peninsula."
Moon Jae-in, leader of the opposition Democratic Party and frontrunner to be the country's next President, said on Facebook that there "should never be a pre-emptive strike without South Korean consent."
"Neighboring countries are taking advantage of the absence of a president in South Korea to try to exclude us and handle issues on the Korean Peninsula according to their own understanding," Moon said.
The country's former President, Park Geun-hye, was impeached after a corruption scandal.
On the streets of Seoul, South Koreans who spoke to CNN were far less worried about a potential of war than their northern neighbors.
"I do feel uneasy about North Korea provoking war," said Jeon Hyung-min, 26.
"But I don't think a US strike would happen and if North Korea can judge the situation, they will not continue any armed provocation for now."
Seo Deok-il, in his 70s, said he was "not anxious" about the news.
"I don't think war will break out," he said. "If I was scared, I would have immigrated to another country."

Twinlight2017-04-12 15:32:18
NEWHNAD2017-04-12 15:38:42
DrBridge12017-04-12 15:41:57
Yes, it is a little late, tough but possible.
NEWHNAD2017-04-12 15:46:50
DrBridge12017-04-12 15:59:45
Agreed. This is the last chance for us.
秋晨2017-04-12 17:44:13
让朝鲜拥核, 对天朝重要。 习总应该硬起来
二战专家2017-04-12 18:00:19