京42017-08-06 13:06:09

Chinese people should be told the following: 1. The area is part of dispute between China and Bhutan 2. India Bhutan treaty of 1949 says India will intervene if Bhutan is threatened  3. India China agreed in 2012 to keep status quo in the area and 'No Party will do anything in that area' and 4. Bhutan requested India to intervene as China was changing the status quo.
China wants to disregard the treaty between India and Bhutan. It fears if this is legitimised then US Japan and US Taiwan treaty will also have to be honoured. It is testing the resolve with respect to the honouring of the terms of the treaty.?

我们应该问一下,一个月前,谁的军队站在这块土地上?不丹请求印军介入的声明呢?印度和中国2012的声明怎么用在不丹上了?在自己的控制区修路咋就改变现状了?放个屁是不是也是改变现状? 我看理不在A3一边。

opt0062017-08-06 13:46:46
YY1012017-08-06 14:49:17
青松站2017-08-06 22:37:21