Vaillan2017-09-15 16:49:18

Former Fed official Fisher: China could be the key to solving the North Korea crisis

  • China is the key to achieving a solution on the Korean Peninsula, Richard Fisher, senior advisor at Barclays, said at the Singapore Summit
  • The current administration was taking a "step in the right direction" when it came to reigning in the North, he added

Richard Fisher, the former Federal Reserve official and current top advisor at Barclays, said Friday he is looking for China to play a pivotal role in resolving problems on the Korean Peninsula.

Following North Korea's latest missile launch earlier in the day, Fisher said the current U.S. administration's strategy in getting countries to agree on sanctions against North Korea was a "step in the right direction." He acknowledged, however, that recent steps taken by the international community were likely less severe than the White House would've like.

President Donald Trump has used tough language against the North in recent months, most colorfully warning the hermit state it would be "met with fire and fury" if it continued to threaten the U.S. North Korea responded to those remarks by announcing that it was considering a strike on Guam, a U.S. territory. It ultimately stood down on the threat.

青松站2017-09-16 02:51:50