austraveller2017-09-27 11:21:37

The Venezuelan army must be ready "to defend every inch of the territory," President Nicolas Maduro said after a verbal clash with Donald Trump and the introduction of new US travel restrictions.

Meeting with the Venezuelan army's top brass during drills near the city of Maracay, Maduro urged the country's military to be on standby. 


"We have been shamelessly threatened by the most criminal empire that ever existed and we have the obligation to prepare ourselves to guarantee peace," he said.


Maduro added that Venezuela's army "needs to have rifles, missiles and well-oiled tanks at the ready" in order "to defend every inch of territory if needs be."


Oil pumps are seen in Lake Maracaibo, in Lagunillas, Ciudad Ojeda, in the state of Zulia, Venezuela, March 20, 2015


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He also referred to the "future of humanity" which he warned should not be cannot be "the world of illegal sanctions, of economic persecution."

He spoke a few days after US President Donald Trump signed a decree which specifically stipulates a travel ban against an array of senior Venezuelan officials who Washington said pose a security threat to the United States.


During his UN General Assembly address last Tuesday, Trump lashed out at what he described as Nicolas Maduro's "socialist dictatorship" in Venezuela.



He said that the US calls for the "full restoration of democracy and freedom in Venezuela," but declined to elaborate.


Maduro responded by slamming Trump's speech as "aggression from the new Hitler of international politics … against the people of Venezuela."


Masked anti-government demonstrators stend to a burning barricade during a protest against the installation of a constitutional assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, Aug. 4, 2017


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He was echoed by Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza, who likened Trump's speech at the UN General Assembly to a declaration of war, pledging to take counter measures.

Speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Monday, Arreaza said that Venezuela is open for dialogue with Washington but is poised to retaliate against any hostile actions "in the same field in which we are attacked."

中楠海智囊团2017-09-27 12:39:46
山中农夫2017-09-27 13:05:06
中楠海智囊团2017-09-27 13:17:35
小组? 好主意, 您起个头吧
海边居2017-09-27 13:57:25
PYXZ2017-09-27 14:07:57
青松站2017-09-27 19:54:52
惹事生非,背后捅刀的美国…也转:俄将军阵亡 原来是遭叛徒出卖