互联网2018-06-09 13:50:09


Hackers linked to the Chinese government broke into computers belonging to a Navy contractor and stole a trove of sensitive information about a U.S. Navy project and undersea warfare, The Washington Post is reporting.

The data pilfered from the contractor’s computer included plans on a U.S. project to build a supersonic anti-ship missile that can be mounted on American submarines by 2020, according to the Post, which cited an anonymous U.S. officials.



Assistant Attorney General John Demers said that Mallory's conviction was not an "isolated incident" and that China's spying efforts aimed at the U.S. were ongoing.

“It is a sad day when an American citizen is convicted of spying on behalf of a foreign power,” Demers said in a statement.

“This act of espionage was no isolated incident. The People's Republic of China has made a sophisticated and concerted effort to steal our nation's secrets. Today's conviction demonstrates that we remain vigilant against this threat and hold accountable all those who put the United States at risk through espionage.”



天堂之令2018-06-09 15:48:36
curiousami2018-06-09 16:08:45
houtou722018-06-09 18:28:55
前天在广播中听见报道吃了一惊,以为自己的鱼雷设计原理已经有人制备成功了。后来一听是“超音速反舰导弹... ... ”。立马换台。
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