清花瓷2009-04-06 22:47:27
活着 = be grateful for what you already have, not for what you don’t have
活着 = be grateful for what you need, not for what you want
活着 = appreciate your surroundings (nature and social affiliation)
活着 = living in the moment
活着 = a balance of "give & take", ie, give as much love & care as you can to your family and friends and reap the rewards of your hard work
活着 = 感恩 = be grateful for the things that we have control over with

无银2009-04-06 22:51:54
顶一个~~~ 活着真是不简单啊。 haha~~
清花瓷2009-04-06 23:08:22
是滴,谈起来简单,做起来还真不简单 :)
散人2009-04-06 23:35:25
"grateful" and "give" is the key word
丁香·丁香2009-04-07 00:29:27
return_of_atlantis2009-04-07 02:14:22
活着就是:晨跑,努力工作,美餐,业余爱好,早睡 :D
咖啡屋的角落2009-04-07 03:44:07
不明则问2009-04-07 04:59:36
活着 = 感恩??