文摘2006-03-09 05:28:07

[歌手介绍] 乡村歌手兼词曲作者Toby Keith是在上个世纪90年代逐渐成长起来的乡村明星,他于1961年7月8日出生在美国俄克拉荷马州的Clinton,原名Toby Keith Covel。从小在家乡附近的农场里长大,在Toby Keith八岁的时候,受到了曾经在夜里开张的一些俱乐部里演奏乡村音乐的奶奶的影响,而第一次开始自己尝试拨弄并演奏吉他。但是在Toby Keith年轻的时候,他的业余生活的绝大多数时间被足球所支配,热爱足球的他最后由于美国足球联赛的夭折而开始了自己的音乐道路。而早在他高中的时候,他就经常在学校里表演,但是在高中毕业之后不得不在附近的油田找了份差事来度日。在那里他还组建了一支名叫the Easy Money Band的乡村摇滚风格的乐队在附近演出,并且在当地的一些夜总会里颇受欢迎,乐队所演奏的歌曲大多为Toby Keith所创作。也正是在这期间,由于石油工业的不景气,他才成为了美国足球联赛的半职业球员。此后Toby Keith放弃了以乐队的形势发展音乐的做法,1988年,他搬到了乡村音乐的基地Nashville,通过很长时间的奔波来为自己的音乐找出路,并且先后有过一些表演以及和一些独立唱片公司并不愉快的合作经历,不久Toby Keith的磁带样本被一名名叫Harold Shedd的制作人所认可,并且最终通过此人的努力,使Toby Keith获得了和Mercury唱片公司签约的机会,此时的Toby Keith早已过了而立之年。

American Soldier Lyrics I'm just trying to be a father, Raise a daughter and a son, Be a lover to their mother, Everything to everyone. Up and at 'em bright and early, I'm all in my business suit, Yeah, I'm dressed for success from my head down to my boots, I don't do it for money, there's still bills that I can't pay, I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway, Providing for our future's my responsibility, Yeah I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be, And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong, I just work straight through the holidays, And sometimes all night long. You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door, Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core, And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price, I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrafice, Oh, and I don't want to die for you, But if dyin's asked of me, I'll bear that cross with an honor, 'Cause freedom don't come free. I'm an american soldier, an american, Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand, When liberty's in jeopardy I will always do what's right, I'm out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight. American soldier, I'm an American, An American, An American Soldier 原作者:menghuamama
huyan92006-03-09 05:29:18