春天的童话2006-07-08 06:14:50

You Will Miss Me
You will miss me
I know you will
And when you least expect it
You'll think of me still
The wind will whisper my name
Reminding you how little things change
You will wake and think it's all a dream
But deep inside you'll know it's me

Some loves never die
Some loves never fade
Some loves never ever go away
So try as you might
And try as you may
Try to forget just one more day

You will miss me
I know you will
And when you least expect it
You'll think of me still
When the phone rings you'll stand
For a moment and wonder if it can
Be me after such a long long time
You'll ask yourself who said goodbye


So try as you might
And try as you may
Try to forget just one more day
You will miss me
I know you will
And when you least expect it
You'll think of me still


春天的童话2006-07-08 06:16:51
下载链接,祝大家晚安+周末愉快! :)
微笑的鱼2006-07-08 06:53:44
yeah, we will miss you。。。:-)
书童2006-07-08 07:01:12
I Miss You!童话周末愉快!
林贝卡2006-07-08 10:42:35
Let us miss each other...
肖萧2006-07-08 13:09:13
Stiella2006-07-08 15:59:27
I will miss you :) nice weekend~
@^_^@2006-07-08 16:19:50
谢春天的童话,周末愉快! 抱抱~~ :)
lli_go2006-07-08 18:40:40
I don't want miss you, 童话 :))) 周末愉快.
frog-2006-07-09 02:09:49
Friends here are missing you too. Nice weekend!