非常酷2006-12-01 00:38:10
我就知道,把他们翻出来我今天晚上就不能睡觉了…… = =

Kurt...I wish I could quit u!!! 哈~

林贝卡2006-12-01 00:40:33
All Apologies to whom?
圣牛2006-12-01 00:42:18
非常酷2006-12-01 00:49:18
to myself...cause i really should go to bed now..but..
非常酷2006-12-01 00:50:30
*^^* btw....我当时为了买那张poster(你的显示图象)
林贝卡2006-12-01 00:53:20
All apologies to yourself. That is new to me. Good night.
林贝卡2006-12-01 00:54:25
But what?
孤单小企鹅2006-12-01 02:08:08
圣牛2006-12-01 02:13:34
lili~2006-12-01 02:21:05
你们都从哪里找来的MV呀: )谢分享!