寨外北佳2007-06-10 02:58:57
海莉出生于纽西兰基督城,从小爱唱歌,天赋清亮无瑕的绝美嗓音,以及纯净无压的自然唱腔,让她小小年纪,即以奇迹般的天使之音,从南半球的冠军歌手,一跃成为国际歌坛最受瞩目的闪亮新星!一开始因为好奇好玩自行压制 CD ,到街头卖艺、赠送亲友,却令乡亲父老惊为天人、口耳相传,天使之音透过媒体逐渐传播开来,全纽西兰男女老幼无不为其歌声倾倒!于纽西兰发行的首张专辑,不但蝉联4周冠军,打败数位流行乐坛前辈,还轻松拿下销售三白金,纽西兰歌坛新小天后之名不胫而走。人如其名、歌如其人的首张全球录音—《Pure 纯净》因此诞生,纯净大地—纽西兰的骄傲,现在全世界都听得见!

《Pure 纯净》(2003年)专辑中,海莉结合了人与自然共存之美,演唱极具特色的纽西兰传统部落毛利 (Maori) 歌谣《波卡列卡列安那》(Pokarekare Ana),海莉的歌声无懈可击,动人的诠释更是无可取代。古典名曲注入时代新意后的《别说再见》(Never Say Goodbye)柔软人心,还有爱情小品主打歌《黑月亮》(Who Painted The Moon Black),犹如空谷天籁,曲曲将海莉的透明音色质感再完美升华,只消几个音符,听者无不立时被纯净美声彻底征服!

英国当红跨界男高音罗素华生,在一次奥克兰的演唱会期间与海莉合作说:“第一次在纽西兰遇到海莉,我看到这个娇小的女孩子时心里想,哇!她的声音真的太不可思议了,我只有一个字可以形容她,那就是‘天使般的’( angelic)。我认为她是一个‘小小奇迹’!”

Carry me away from this dark and lonely room
Light me in your arms - all I want to know is you
Chase away the darkness with everything you are
I will find my strength in the beat of your heart
Picture book of memories, how we used to be
Some people spend a lifetime waiting for their dreams
But I won't find the answers by looking at the stars
I will find my strength in the beat of your heart

Time held in our hands
Will change into years gone by
If I can hold on to you
I'll leave all my fears behind

Holding on we drift like two flowers on the sea
Riding on the waves letting go of what will be
I won't find the answers by staring at the stars
I've found all my dreams in the beat of your heart
I've found all my dreams in the beat of your heart

辛伯达的航船2007-06-10 03:59:23
蒸馏水般纯净,美!Hayley Westenra 肖像及快照 (图)
水风2007-06-10 04:49:31