getrutte2007-11-08 19:51:11
really,really...? is it dark or sunny? open discussion...

抒情的军魂2007-11-08 20:10:11
有些事好象只能做,不能唱 or精神病;钱,臭豆腐;thx4 intro
getrutte2007-11-08 20:40:02
don't jump up, keep calm, the money evil makes u
抒情的军魂2007-11-08 20:47:14
音乐快递 a nice place to get away from all "evils"
getrutte2007-11-08 20:49:55
that's right!
抒情的军魂2007-11-08 21:00:31
getrutte2007-11-08 21:16:34
no romantic poem here in this buld, just want to
抒情的军魂2007-11-08 21:23:43
It's ok; 教堂,$ in envelope; off time, see u later
抒情的军魂2007-11-08 23:41:14
金融财梦, 音乐情梦 , 天天梦