yijuhua2008-12-03 16:17:04

我的第一,我的最后, 我的一切! 

帕瓦罗蒂 + 怀特

【!现场直播 - 震撼人心!】



We got it together, didn't we?
We've definitely got our thing together, don't we baby?
Isn't that nice? I mean, really, when you really sit and think about it,
isn't it really, really nice?
I can easily feel myself slipping more and more ways that simple world of my
Nobody but you and me

We've got it together baby
The first, my last, my everything
and the answer to all my dreams

You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star
My kind of wonderful, that's what you are
I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way, they could have made two
Girl you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep forever more

You're the first, you're the last, my everything
In you, I found so many things
A love so new only you could bring
Can't you see it's you?
Can't you see it's you?
You make me feel this way

You're like a fresh morning dew
On a brand new day
I see so many ways that I
Can love you til the day I die

You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything
I know there's only, only one like you
There's no way they could have made two
Girl you're my reality, but I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, you're the last, my everything

You and me baby, just you and me
You are the first, the last, my everything

(My first AV online musical presentation at all ever)

•  姑苏城外 傻子 乘疯 驱愁 憨乐 穷开心
•  毛泽东 书法 错?改?唐诗 (杜牧 - 题 乌江亭)
•  filedenfiles No. 1
•  filedenfiles No. 1
•  初级难题:? 恢复 Windows XP pro 重装后的老用户 Icon ?
yijuhua2008-12-03 16:20:16
This is really 我的第一,but not 我的最后,at YYKD! :)
xiaoxong2008-12-03 16:22:26
Very nice,Thanks for sharing 帕瓦罗蒂 + 怀特!
yijuhua2008-12-03 16:37:26
congrates, u got the sofa :) glad u like it; it shaked me ~~
TyHongAu2008-12-03 17:17:54
Congradulations! Hope to see ur next job well done.
yijuhua2008-12-03 17:40:58
thanks a lot THA 兄。 :) need your help any moments
johnz0022008-12-03 17:55:53
祝贺 一句话。
yijuhua2008-12-03 18:08:13
多谢 King 2nd 斑竹 :)
十三点2008-12-03 19:05:19
wineredcamellia2008-12-04 06:44:14
yijuhua2008-12-04 08:29:24
谢谢 葡萄MM :) 刚一年级,慢慢来哦 :)
yijuhua2008-12-04 09:35:32
背景: 此歌,此曲,此人, 此帖 。。。。。。。。。。。。。
wineredcamellia2008-12-04 09:59:57
wineredcamellia2008-12-04 10:12:58
回复:背景: 此歌,此曲,此人, 此帖 。。。。。。。。。。。。。
lili~2008-12-04 16:10:26
yijuhua2008-12-04 19:17:51
谢谢 丽班姐姐,这几天你没来,寂寞了不少喔 :)
yijuhua2008-12-04 19:37:27
乐队 音响 也 牛! 大壮声威!
yijuhua2008-12-04 19:39:57
“我的太阳,我的月亮,我的北斗.....” 其词亦壮!
yijuhua2008-12-05 16:21:57
乐器也仿佛是特为 老白 量身裁制的!
枫叶如丹2008-12-05 21:18:33
好听,震撼! 乐队 音响 也 牛!大壮声威!(zt)
yijuhua2008-12-05 21:44:39
喜迎枫MM:) 枫叶如丹, 如何不牛! 大壮声威!
yijuhua2008-12-05 21:47:03
乐队 音响 也 牛! 大壮声威!
yijuhua2008-12-05 21:54:05
情歌皆靡吟, 此歌狮子吼! !! 双狮吼 !!