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Myra Hess
1890年出生于英国伦敦,1965年逝于伦敦。海丝在市政厅音乐院向帕斯卡〈JulianPascal〉与摩根〈Orlando Morgan〉学琴,十二岁得到皇家音乐院奖学金师从马太〈Tobias Matthay〉,1907年首度在伦敦登台演出。这场音乐会是由海丝自己筹划,在毕勤〈Thomas Beecham〉的指挥下演出贝多芬第四号钢琴协奏曲等作品,展开她在英国与欧洲大陆间成功的演奏事业。海丝从1922年开始在美国演出,受到当地乐迷特别的喜爱;二次大战期间,海丝在伦敦国家美术馆举办的午餐音乐会也让人留下深刻的印象。由于对英国大众的服务与页献,英国皇室策封她为爵士。第二次世界大战结束后,海丝把自己广泛的独奏及室内乐演奏曲目缩小至巴赫〈她改编自巴赫作品的钢琴曲《耶稣,为人仰望的喜乐》名闻全世界〉,史卡拉第、维也纳古典乐派曲目、舒曼、肖邦、布拉姆斯、法朗克、葛利格与德布西。在海丝的音乐成就中,最杰出的莫过于降低古典风格的浪漫倾向,改向大众推介纯粹、不矫饰的朴素演奏风格。
Thanks.Like her unassuming style. Music speaks so naturally for
It's particularly unusual for someone was born in the 19th C.
Haha, you're cute. Yes, both Haskil and Lipatti
OK, we swap. You try the Casals-Serkin's Beethoven
Aha, I have Casals' set of Beethoven's cello sonatas,
And how about give Jacqueline du Pré-Barenboim's
I was wrong. Yours is the pre-war version, while the
I have du-Pre-Barenboim's Beethoven Sonatas.
Enjoyed Friedman, the contrasting between piano and
A friend just sent me two YouTube clips of Bach Partita via
The movie is a classic, That laughter out of nowhere :) I
There was heavyweight movie star who died a few year back.
Greeting to BZ, too. Thanks much for your hard work.