J-Song2010-04-24 12:23:28
日本作曲家:加古隆(Takashi KAKO )
Having begun to learn classical piano in early childhood, Takashi Kako studied composition at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and took its graduate course before going on to the Paris National Conservatory of Music. While pursuing his direction as a composer of contemporary music under Olivier Messiaen, he also discovered and became devoted to so-called 'free jazz (i.e. improvisation)' during this Paris period. These experiences combined, constitute the basis of his musical creation. " Beautiful melody and harmony rooted in classical music ", " the novel sensitivities of contemporary music", and "the rhythms and improvisations of jazz"; --― Embracing all of these, Kako has established his own unique style, which transcends accepted musical genre. The interpretations of this "poet on piano", as he has been called, appear deserving of all such deions as radiant, mystic, warm, tender, extraordinary, daring, elaborately structured, calm, melancholic, romantic...

加古隆は、幼少の頃からクラシックピアノの訓練を受け、作曲を東京芸術大学・大学院、パリ国立音楽院で学ぶ。オリヴィエ・メシアンに師事し現代音楽の作曲家への道を歩むが、しかしその一方で、パリ時代にフリージャズ(=即興演奏)に傾倒する、という音楽遍歴を持つ。これらの体験が、彼の生み出す音楽の根幹を成している。「クラシックに根づく美しい旋律とハーモニー」「現代音楽の斬新な感性」「ジャズの持つ即興性とリズム」その全てを包含し、ジャンルにとらわれない独自の音楽スタイルを築いた。そして “ピアノの詩人”と評される彼の演奏には、すべての形容が可能に思われる。輝きに満ち、神秘的で、あたたかく、やさしく、途方もなく、大胆で、綿密な構成、冷静さ、もの悲しく、ロマンティックで・・・・。


J-Song2010-04-24 12:35:38
回复:日本作曲家:加古隆, 作品:巴黎在燃烧?追加一段
加国音乐2010-04-24 15:32:15
J-Song2010-04-24 16:00:08
法国薰衣草2010-04-24 17:58:00