她很美吧,她是享誉世界的美国女高音Deborah Voigt ,以演唱瓦格纳,斯特劳斯的歌剧作品而称著歌剧界, 可也正是她,于2004年在伦敦皇家歌剧院排演斯特劳斯的歌剧: Ariadne auf Naxos , 因为体重过胖穿不了一件黑色的戏服裙子而被炒鱿鱼,顿时歌剧界一片哗然, 这也是在歌剧史上不多见的, 演员因为体形而不是嗓音被中途辞退。
Deborah Voigt 自然是很愤怒, 她自己也承认自年轻时代就为肥胖症而烦恼,可又戒不掉喜欢吃垃圾食物的瘾,经过一番思考她下决心与肥胖Deborah Voigt,决定接受胃的部分切除手术,当然还有饮食健身的配合,终于瘦下来了,衣服的号从30到14号,并向12号进军!手术后7个星期后又重返舞台, Deborah Voigt 活跃在世界各地的歌剧院,音乐厅里,但是她扬言再也不会登Covent Garden的伦敦皇家歌剧院(ROH)的大门了。 可戏剧性的是:2008年伦敦皇家歌剧院又上演同样的歌剧Ariadne auf Naxos,Deborah Voigt 被伦敦皇家歌剧院真诚邀请返回Covent Garden演唱同一角色, 受到一致掌声, 人生真是一大舞台,就连舞台上的演员也免不了被命运作弄。
去年6月12日Deborah Voigt在伦敦巴比肯音乐中心有一场独唱音乐会, 当时是因为在巴比肯的《Great performers》系列里看到她的名字,也是第一次知道她的名字, 那段时间我对歌剧开始感兴趣,喜欢听美声, 买票时很吃惊她的独唱音乐会的票怎么会卖得这么便宜。
在这场音乐会Deborah Voigt 演唱的曲目都是德奥作曲家的,节目单如下:
Friday12/06/2009 Soprano Deborah Voigt Barbicain center
Wagner 'Dich, teure Halle' from Tannhauser
Wagner 'Du bist der Lenz' from Die Walkure
Strauss 'Zweite Braut Nacht' from Die Aegyptische Helena
Strauss 'Ich kann Nicht Sitzen ' from Elektra
Beethoven 'Abscheulicher' from Fidelio
Strauss Final scene from Salome
London Symphony Orchestra
Asher Fisch conductor
Deborah Voigt soprano
巴比肯音乐会上的Deborah Voigt
我平日听得多的还是意大利歌剧作曲家威尔第,普契尼的歌剧, 对瓦格纳,斯特劳斯,贝多芬的歌剧听得不多,我一边听,一边看英文翻译。Deborah Voigt 不愧是当今最好的女高音之一,音色园美,音介高低上下滑动这么轻松自如,唱了几首曲子以后她开始说话与观众沟通,她非常幽默,引来台下大笑, 可以感受到不少观众是她的铁杆歌迷,他们都为舞台上的Deborah Voigt 依然那么自信而松口气, 在最后Encore时, Deborah Voigt 唱了《Fair Lady》里的《I could have danced》, 一片掌声雷动,往往是这样,加演Encore时的气氛是最高潮的,台上台下都是那么依依不舍。 这时我也不顾那么多,走到台前鼓掌,我身边的一位乐迷兴高采烈地对我说:《She is gorgeuse, we need to take care of her 她是这么迷人,我们必须多关照她》, 看来群众的眼睛还是非常雪亮的,特别是那些训练有素的乐迷们。
那晚Deborah Voigt 一开始穿的是一件金色晚礼裙,然后换了一件红色的裙子,更衬出她的高贵,美丽和大度, 一位不可会辱的Diva! 她的确很美, 这场音乐会我也有很多收获:第一次听以德奥作曲家曲目为主的歌剧音乐会, 见识了这位大起大落得歌剧Diva 风采。也感叹到我们的世界越来越被商业吞噬,就连很纯音乐艺术的歌剧界为了取悦观众也不得不走性感路线了,光有漂亮的歌喉是远远不够的; 另外就是胖瘦也是可以事在人为的!
Deborah Voigt discussing weight and opera singers on Good Morning America, April 6, 2004
巴比肯音乐中心对Deborah Voigt 的介绍:
Deborah Voigt is one of today's most thrilling dramatic sopranos, earning rave reviews around the world for her performances.
With her charismatic stage presence and a voice effortlessly capable of soaring power and beautiful lyricism, she has already made some of the repertoire's most famous roles her 'own'. In tonight's programme she captures the drama and energy of some of the most memorable – and demanding – operatic moments from Wagner, Strauss and Beethoven.
Accompanying Voigt as she makes her much anticipated return to the Great Performers series is Barbican resident ensemble the London Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Asher Fisch, a former assistant to Daniel Barenboim.
‘Voigt filled the auditorium with a superbly controlled crescendo of sound.’ Guardian
2004年小黑裙风波(2004: The "little black dress" )-wiki
In 2004, Voigt was removed from the role of Ariadne at Royal Opera House when she could not fit into one of the costumes, a "little black dress."[3][20][21][22] The director wanted her to wear it, instead of the typical period costume used in such operas, letting out the dress with tailoring, or replacing it with another costume. She was replaced by Anne Schwanewilms, a German singer of slimmer appearance. She was "very angry" about the incident, but kept silent about it for several months. When the decision became public, Covent Garden received significant criticism in the media.[ It was pointed out that many notable sopranos, such as Luisa Tetrazzini, Jessye Norman and Jane Eaglen, had been "large-boned, the zaftig, even the enormous", and Voigt had merely "followed in their heavy footsteps."
The decision was also criticized because of the popular stereotype that female opera singers have to be heavy anyway, in order to do a good job. There is the old expression that "in opera, great voices often come in large packages". and the well-worn saying about opera that "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings" She was headlined in the British tabloid press as "The show ain't over till the fat lady slims." There was also an outcry because, it seemed at the time, that high culture performing arts, such as opera, should not emulate low culture Hollywood images of thin female stars.
By a strange twist of fate, the incident may have helped her in the long run. Voigt had tried many well-known diets, such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, unsuccessfully over the years. Maestro Georg Solti, "who never minced words", had once expressed concern about her weight. She underwent three-hour gastric bypass surgery, which she has discussed publicly. It is highly risky for any person, but especially for a singer, who depends on a strong thoracic diaphragm to "belt out" or project notes. Luckily, the operation, performed at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York city, was successful. She lost over 100 pounds (or 10 stone), and went from a size 30, to size 14. She has refused to reveal her exact weight before and after the surgery. However, "before and after" photographs clearly show a considerable loss of mass.
Voigt has said she went through the surgery not only because of the Royal Opera House but also because of her concern about health problems caused by the overweight.In other interviews with the New York Times in 2005 and 2008, she said the fees that she was owed from the Covent Garden paid in part for the surgery. Her concern was that the firing was done so cruelly. In several interviews over the past few years, she has expressed relief and delight in the weight loss.
Since her dramatic weight loss, Deborah Voigt has been rehired by the Royal Opera House for the role she was originally fired from in 2004.The public reaction was positive. Voigt said in 2005 that she felt "good will from fans and the public." She said in 2008 that she "assumed" the "rapprochement" did not happen until they had new management.
1。 Slimmed-down soprano says looks count:
2。 Diva gives in to the weight of slender expectations:
3 Royal Opera announces cast change for Tosca