kenlautic2010-05-27 15:08:36

專輯名稱:Astor Piazzolla: The Central Park Concert [Live]
藝術家:Astor Piazzolla發行公司:Chesky Records
類型:個人專輯 / Live /Tango / Jazz / Latin


This powerful concert was recorded live in New York City on September 6, 1987.
Piazzolla was playing with his best ensemble: a quintet consisting of himself on
bandoneon, Pablo Ziegler on piano, Fernando Suarez Paz on violin, Horacio Malvicino
on electric guitar, and Hector Console on bass. Piazzolla plays some of his finest
material -- about half of Tango: Zero Hour surfaces, for example. Two of the most
paradigmatic Piazzolla pieces show up too: "La Camorra," with its alternating moments
of tense dance rhythms and creepy atmosphere, and "Verano Porteño," with its
dancing-bear rhythms. The concert closes with "Concierto Para Quinteto," one of
those long pieces that Piazzolla favored that visits many styles and moods -- almost
many eras. It would be very easy to lose the thread on such an epic composition in
live performance, but the quintet keeps it together admirably. The live recording is of
surprisingly high quality; there is an appropriate echo and the balance is nearly perfect.
The audience is completely unobtrusive -- inaudible except when they applaud. And the
instruments are very clear, especially when the musicians coax those "zings" and "pops"
out of them that Piazzolla loved. For someone new to his work, the "special effects" on
this recording can be a revelation. There is also a wonderful spoken track, with Piazzolla
talking about himself, the tango, and the mysterious bandoneon. ~ by Kurt Keefner


01 Verano Porteño
02 Lunfardo
03 Milonga del Angel
04 Muerte del Angel
05 Astor's Speech
06 La Camorra
07 Mumuki
08 Adios Nonino
09 Contrabajissimo
10 Michelangelo
11 Concierto Para Quinteto

** all music are samplers only please purchase original materials
所有的音樂只是試聽音質請購買原裝版本 **

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  • 枫叶如丹2010-05-27 16:08:16
    参加ken的中央公園音樂會,酷,美,好听! 顶~~~!
    kenlautic2010-05-27 17:26:31
    感谢丹丹参与中央公園音樂會, 这是难得的版本~
    左右开弓2010-05-27 18:16:12
    法国薰衣草2010-05-27 18:50:25
    还有皮亞佐拉的讲话,很珍贵的专辑,收藏, 谢谢肯的分享
    得了吧2010-05-27 19:25:23
    Sridhar2010-05-28 01:25:14
    breeze~2010-05-28 03:30:44
    yy8882010-05-28 05:21:00
    10pm2010-05-28 06:59:59