kenlautic2012-04-24 03:03:36

Title: Mar De Suenos
Artist: Armik (guitar)
Category: Rock/Pop Albums, International CDs, Latin, New Age, Flamenco
Label: Bolero
Release Date: Jun 21, 2005


On 2005's MAR DE SUENOS, Armik's virtuosic guitar is featured in a slickly produced setting.
He is backed up by Latin percussion, light keyboard accompaniment, and punchy electric bass
on most of these tracks.

Each composition on MAR DE SUENOS is firmly entrenched in the Spanish guitar tradition,
although some attempts have been made to bring out the music's inherent romantic qualities and
pop sensibilities. For example, songs such as "Azul" and "Moorea" have a distinct dance feel to
them, given their strong backbeats. The solo guitar piece "Intro To Sole" is the most beautiful
track on this release. Armik blends gentle lyricism with flowery scalar movements. Additionally,
his extensive use of arpeggios gives this piece a harp-like quality. The title track sees Armik once
again showcasing his lightning fast finger-picking. MAR DE SUENOS is a very passionate musical


02.Mar De Suenos
03.Palmas De Oro
06.Intro To Sole
08.Santa Barbara
09.Spring Passion
10.Morning Sun

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本-----

  • 《音樂之聲》電影原聲配樂
  • 《鋼琴專輯》《Brian Crain與弦樂合奏》
  • DJ舞曲ATB 7年音樂創作《1998-2005全記錄單曲精選》
  • 【門德爾松】「浪漫抒情古典作品」
  • 【多美好的世界】美國爵士音樂家'路易斯·阿姆斯特朗'專輯
  • yy8882012-04-24 04:36:54
    吴越婉溪2012-04-24 16:10:17
    好听:)! 让你意识到世界好大好丰富呵 。。。谢谢分享 :))
    法国薰衣草2012-04-24 17:11:05
    海梦热梦 Ibiza!
    clairdelune1232012-04-25 00:29:30
    grand^2012-04-25 02:03:26
    great post~
    加国音乐2012-04-25 03:57:38
    Mar De Suenos,热情的Latin Flamenco,明快Bolero节奏