kenlautic2012-05-14 19:56:48

Album: Vanessa-Mae The Violin Player《小提琴神話》
Vanessa-Mae (Artist)
Orchestra: Mike Batt, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Mike Batt, Vasko Vassilev
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach, Mike Batt, Mason Williams, Ian Wherry
Audio CD (October 30, 1998)
Label: Angel Records


Vanessa-Mae, vehemently opposed to any "compartmentalising of music", describes the material on this album as "techno-acoustic fusion". As far as instrumentation and recording techniques go, that's a pretty fair description. But when the subtitle is "The Classical Album" , Vanessa-Mae and her producer/composer Mike Batt (of Wombles fame) stand accused of misleading their audience. Apart from the opening "Toccata in D", one of the prodigy Vanessa-Mae's favourite show pieces, all tracks are original compositions, most of them by Batt. What we hear are contemporary, poppy pieces, rock drum and keyboard-based, and tailor made for Vanessa-Mae's high-energy yet delicate virtuosity. The fact that the talented Batt is audibly influenced by Michael Nyman does not make his compositions more "classical", but thankfully steers them out of the tedious realm of "Classic Rock". "Widescreen" is a track where the Mae-Batt synthesis works very well; both violinist and producer making the most of the technology-meets-tradition concept. Some of this is film score material, some shopping-mall ear drum fodder, other tracks yet again, revisit Mike Oldfield's old pastures--it is a matter of discussion whether this album "defies all labelling" or simply makes a point of wooing them all in pursuit of the widest possible audience. --Yngvil V.G.




01. Toccata And Fugue In D Minor
02. Contradanza
03. Classical Gas
04. Theme From 'Caravans'
05. Warm Air
06. Jazz Will Eat Itself
07. Widescreen
08. Tequila Mockingbird
09. City Theme
10. Red Hot

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----

  • {20首現代流行鬆弛樂曲}
  • 新世紀音樂大師范吉利斯【大海的神韻】專輯
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  • DJ舞曲ATB 7年音樂創作《1998-2005全記錄單曲精選》
  • 弓尒2012-05-14 21:23:19
    法国薰衣草2012-05-14 23:32:13
    好像很就不见她出来演出了, 肯老好
    8保护保全ni2012-05-15 06:22:01
    forevery pop 是我最喜欢的!这个好听,但做的没有之前的出色。
    8保护保全ni2012-05-15 06:25:02
    调酒师2012-05-16 14:37:44
    小得2012-05-17 04:46:18