热爱阳光2010-09-24 00:59:25
From Paul Hardcastle, Jazzmasters VI.

前天,收到invitation 去考试. 是高位置,暗暗为自己加油.

很喜欢Paul Hardcastle 的作品.

This life is no rehearsal
One chance to live on our dream
Here today, gone tomorrow,
cannot wait fulfill our destiny
Time flies, there is no illusion
You got one chance to make it happen.....

  • 昨日之非不可留,今日之是不可执
  • 乌镇印象
  • Shelter- Jars of Clay
  • 2010 回上海点滴
  • Don't shed tears
  • 枫叶如丹2010-09-24 01:42:37
    热爱阳光2010-09-24 02:19:22
    不谢. Paul 的Jazz 很有特色吧.
    笑盈盈-2010-09-24 02:23:08
    是, Paul 的Jazz 很有特色,俺也稀饭~~
    热爱阳光2010-09-24 02:30:03
    ~~ 从 Smooth Cuts 到今天, 他没让fan 们失望喔
    法国薰衣草2010-09-24 11:17:02
    Good Luck!
    热爱阳光2010-09-25 04:14:46
    谢谢 薰衣草! 回复:Good Luck!