2004-07-29 17:49:28
2004-07-29 17:49:28
I am sailing
I am sailing
home again cross the sea.
I am sailing stormy waters
to be near you to be free.
I am flying
I am flying like a bird 'cross the sky
I am flying passing high clouds to be with you to be free.
Can you hear me
can you hear me thro' the dark night far away.
I am dying forever trying to be with you who can say.
Can you hear me
can you hear me thro' the dark night far away.
I am dying forever trying to be with you who can say.
We are sailing
we are sailing home again 'cross the sea.
we are sailing stormy waters to be near you to be free.
Oh Lord to be near you to be free
Oh Lord to be near you to be free...
zt: [法]伊莲娜的歌: 太多回忆
SthgGood 2004-07-29 17:47:31
zt: [法]伊莲娜的歌: 我叫伊莲娜
SthgGood 2004-07-29 17:37:36
剑侠情缘 -《划地为牢》
bgly 2004-07-29 17:26:48
Celine Dion的歌,不知道名字,请知道的告诉一下
可爱的妈妈 2004-07-29 17:18:40
welcomelm 2004-07-29 17:18:11
bgly 2004-07-29 17:10:21
How to download flash file?
biowantong 2004-07-29 16:22:29
水姻缘 flash
forYOUtoo 2004-07-29 15:09:17
Chris Botti的专辑Midnight Witho
落花娴情 2004-07-29 14:35:37
人间情多 mp3
forYOUtoo 2004-07-29 14:34:52
nes@dorma 2007-02-21 18:11:37
nes@dorma 2007-02-09 22:26:54
【歌剧入门】“星 光 灿 烂”选自《托斯卡》
nes@dorma 2007-02-09 03:50:26
【歌剧入门】听我说,主人 from 图兰多
nes@dorma 2007-02-08 04:47:42
【歌剧入门】一个幸福的日子 from 茶花女
nes@dorma 2007-02-04 18:57:45
【歌剧入门】 Humming Chorus From 《Madama Butterfly》
nes@dorma 2007-02-04 05:55:58
【歌剧入门】 间奏曲 from
nes@dorma 2007-02-03 06:34:15
[歌剧入门]柳儿,别哭!我再试一次。 from Turandot
nes@dorma 2007-01-31 23:01:16
【歌剧入门】我从未见过 选自《曼侬·莱斯科》及 普契尼简介
nes@dorma 2007-01-31 04:38:16
【歌剧入门】 晴朗的一天 选自普西尼的《蝴蝶夫人》
nes@dorma 2007-01-28 07:23:30