kenlautic2011-05-26 03:35:39

【樂手名稱 Artist】:George Skaroulis
【專輯名稱 Title】:Numinous
【發行日期 Release】:July 13, 1999
【發行公司】:Evzone Music

【樂手介紹 Description】:

George Skaroulis - Composer/Pianist

Born and raised in Florida, George Skaroulis is fast earning a reputation as one of the best
pianists in contemporary instrumental music. With several internationally distributed albums
to his credit, Skaroulis' music is effortless, full of grace, and emotionally uplifting. There's no
denying Skaroulis' obvious piano-playing talent, but it's his "feel" and his emotionally rich
compositions that raise him far above most of the other players in this genre. He successfully
fuses Classical, New-Age, and Mediterranean influences to produce a fresh new sound.
Skaroulis creates works that are timeless, marking his compositions with his own distinct
ambient style.

【專輯曲目 Track list 】:

01 Numinous
02 Ariana
03 Forgotten Song
04 Petaloutha
05 Mythos
06 Circulio de Amor
07 The Calling
08 Psiliamo
09 Eternia
10 Flicker of a Flame
11 Illuminati
12 Spiritus

----- all music are of sampler quality only please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請購買原裝版本-----

  • 【Belle France Vol 1】美麗法國名曲精選1
  • 【Armik弗拉門戈吉他專輯 - Malaga】
  • 《意大利浪漫歌曲 - Sergio Franchi》
  • 【Belle France Vol 3】美麗法國名曲精選3
  • 《匈牙利布達佩斯吉普賽樂團選輯》
  • 弓尒2011-05-26 04:24:57
    switchover2011-05-26 07:12:02
    10pm2011-05-26 14:15:35
    草微子2011-05-26 17:34:45
    纸骆驼2011-05-27 15:16:35
    法国薰衣草2011-05-28 15:17:02
    这么好听的音乐 有人还想着生意什么的