The following competitors will advance to Round II, Phase II:
Alexei Chernov (Russia)
Seong Jin Cho (South Korea)
Sara Daneshpour (USA)
Filipp Kopachevskiy (Russia)
Alexander Lubyantsev (Russia)
Alexander Romanovsky (Ukraine)
Yeol Eum Son (South Korea)
Daniil Trifonov (Russia)
The following competitors will advance to Round II, Phase II:
Nigel Armstrong (USA)
Andrey Baranov (Russia)
Sergey Dogadin (Russia)
Jehye Lee (South Korea)
Aylen Pritchin (Russia)
Eric Silberger (USA)
Yu-Chien Tseng (Taiwan)
Itamar Zorman (Israel)
The following competitors will advance
to Round II, Phase II:
Norbert Anger (Germany)
Umberto Clerici (Italy)
Narek Hakhnazaryan (Armenia)
Ivan Karizna (Belarus)
Edgar Moreau (France)
Alexander Ramm (Russia)
Matthew Zalkind (USA)
Alexey Zhilin (Russia)