kenlautic2011-11-04 19:48:04



Pacific Moon(中文:和平之月),是一個專門製作New Age和World Music
的亞洲著名音樂品牌,隸屬於Chapter One公司,旗下精英薈萃,有賈鵬芳、
和西方配樂的典型效果創造屬於Pacific Moon風格的作品,公司大部分專輯

Throughout their history of four thousand years, the people of Asia have lived as
one with nature, believing that man is intertwined with the universe, and that all
that exists in the cosmos is here for a reason. In other words, all is as it should be,
and nothing is accidental. Through the centuries, Asian cultures have maintained
this expansive philosophy, embodying the gentleness and strength to accept all things,
and the mystical elements of Eastern music have been nurtured by this rich historical
background. 。

A primary characteristic of Eastern music is the originality of the instrumentation
and of the musical scale. The sounds produced by traditional instruments such as
the koto, the niko, the shamisen, and the shakuhachi have a rich and mysterious
quality, and the melodies are therefore quite distinctive. PACIFIC MOON RECORDS
introduce a unique concept in New Age music - a smooth blending of the ancient
meditative sounds of the Orient, with the universality of modern music of the West.

Video Listings:

1.十三夜曲 (Thirteen Serenades) - Himekami (姬神) from album Tsugaru
2.めぐり逢う星の夜 (Over a Starry Night We Met) - 姬神 (Himekami) from album Legend of the Wind
3.神々の詩 (Poetry of The Gods) - 姬神 (Himekami)
4.風の人 (People of The Wind) - 姫神 (Himekami) from album 風の伝説 (Legend of The Wind)
5.砂山十三夜 (Dune Hill Thirteen Nights) - 姫神 (Himekami) from album 風の伝説 (Legend of The Wind)
6.十三の童谣 (Thirteen Nursery Rhymes) - 姫神 (Himekami)
7.Tosa no Haru 十三の春 (13 Spring Seasons) - HIMEKAMI (姬神) from album Tsugaru ( 東日流)
8.冬之河 (Winter River) - 贾鹏芳 (Jia Peng Fang) from 和平之月 album Moonlight
9.Wild Rose (野玫瑰) - Shao Rong (邵容) from album Orchid (蘭)
10.幾つもの誕生 (Birth Time) - 吉田潔 (Kiyoshi Yoshida) from album 日本人はるかな旅 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
11.鲸伝説 (Legend of The Whale) - 吉田潔 (Kiyoshi Yoshida) from album 祭 (Matsuri)
12.はるかな旅 (Long Journey) - 吉田潔 (Kiyoshi Yoshida) from album NHK 日本人はるかな旅 (NHK Long Journey To Japan)
13.秘竹 (The Secret of Bamboo) - 吉田潔 (Kiyoshi Yoshida) from album Asian Drums II
14.Rising Sun (太陽的升起) - 吉田潔 (Kiyoshi Yoshida) from album Asian Drums
15.Neyuki (旅途) - Uttara-Kuru Composed by Seiichi Kyoda (京田诚一)
16.Wings of The Eagle (ワシの翼) - Uttara-Kuru Composed by Seiichi Kyoda (京田诚一)
17.恋し恋しや (In Love) - 里アンナ(Anna Sato)
18.水無月 (Minazuki) - 里アンナ(Anna Sato) from album Minazuki
19.Horizon (地平線) - Eri Sugai from album Mai (舞)
20.ほーねん節 (Honen Bushi) - Eri Sugai from album Mai (舞)
21.今昔物語 (Tales of present and past) - Eri Sugai from album Mai (舞)
22.The Elysian Fields (天堂樂園) - Osamu Kitajima (喜多嵨修) from album Breath of Jade
23.風の住む街 (Street Where Wind Resides) - 磯村由紀子

----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials -----
----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本-----

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  • 《和平之月新世紀音樂視頻選播》
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  • 【挪威跨界美聲女伶賽西莉亞】【奇異的恩典】
  • switchover2011-11-05 04:45:25
    赞啊, 妙! 姫神, 贾鹏芳.....说喜欢都不够
    弓尒2011-11-05 07:45:15
    大方 简洁 明快,
    tianyi2011-11-05 17:46:22
    北美老木匠2011-11-05 18:20:12
    smallguy2011-11-06 03:08:18