ME_Professor2014-10-24 16:20:53


随意2014-10-24 21:14:14
good one, we all need hope for tomorrow... happy weekend..
ME_Professor2014-10-25 05:24:48
You are right, that is the music for, bring a brighter tomorrow.
ME_Professor2014-10-25 05:28:42
你选的Edward Elgar 的作品, he is a fine composer, 用小提琴把感情表现的很细腻。
随意2014-10-25 07:16:49
ME_Professor2014-10-25 16:44:25
是的,小提琴演奏波动心弦。看了music sheet, 有4sharps,可以tryto play. 谢谢分享。
spring2005-2014-10-25 19:19:55
good one!Tomorrow will be kinder:)
ME_Professor2014-10-25 20:20:18
Agree, thanks and your tomorrow will be always kinder and bright
随意2014-10-25 20:45:23
法国薰衣草2014-10-28 21:11:59
Well done today , thank you Tomorrow.