GossipGal2005-01-19 23:38:43
呵呵,不是那个Frieda Lawrence的,她写的那个人总有些R到X级的争议。只是想说不是我在走东家,串西家的乱撒MP3,这样优美的音乐,将之越传越远的,Not I, but the wind。。。


Djelem是一只加拿大乐队,驻唱在多伦多,以演奏东欧歌曲为主,其中东欧吉普赛歌曲为重。乐队中尤以小提琴手Sergi Trofanov较为出名,他除了随乐队发行专辑外,还有自己的个人演奏专辑出品。


Djelem - Souvenirs

1. Pole (02:38)
2. Dorogi (02:11)
3. Laube - The Dawn (03:54)
4. Boucles Dor - Goldilocks (04:58)
5. Lautar Hora (04:16)
6. Ticha Navkrugi - Its Quite All Around (02:59)
7. Brille, Mon Etoile - Shine, Shine My Star (04:48)
8. Pleine Lune - Full Moon (02:40)
9. Yamshick - Yamshick Coachman (04:37)
10. Tiha Voda - Calm Water (06:10)
11. Czardas Hongrois (04:20)
12. Dark Eyes - Two Guitars (06:45)
13. Djelem - Lets Go - My Dark Eyed Lady (06:31)
14. Bozo (03:50)


Djelem Music Review - by Edy Braun

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in Eastern Europe enjoying the exotic foods and mysterious sights and sounds of the region. You are walking along the Danube river on a hot summer night, viewing the broken reflection of the moon in the slowly moving waters. The rich cultural atmosphere envelops your soul and its beauty brings a tear to your eyes. The sound of a lone flute emerges from the darkness and plays a beautiful tune which draws you nearer. As you approach, you distinctly recognize the sound as being Gypsy music, a genre developed by a mysterious and culturally rich people endemic to Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. The sound is so absorbing that you are oblivious to your surroundings. When the music ends, you awake to thundering applause and laughter, realizing that all along you've been in a downtown Toronto club listening to the Montreal-based gypsy music group "Djelem".

The stunning performance marks the release of Djelem's second album entitled "Souvenirs". Already an international success, Djelem brings more of the same wonderful Gypsy spirit and soul into their new album. The album features a mixture of traditional and original contemporary Gypsy music, from joyful dances to beautiful, slow, mystical tunes and modern folk and jazz-influenced pieces. The names of some of the songs include

"Solitude", "Tiha Voda", "Bulgarian Souvenir", "Yamshick", "Romanian Hora" and "Pour une derniere fois". Djelem has also had their video, entitled "Montreal Quebec", shown on Bravo and MusiMax.

Gypsy music comes from the heart. The diverse ethnic backgrounds of Djelem's musicians attest to the universal beauty of Gypsy music and the enduring influence of the Gypsy culture in the region. Djelem features Moldovian violinist Sergi Trofanov, Ukrainian guitarist/vocalist Anatoli Iakovenko, Bulgarian flautist Vassil Markov and guest vocalistSonya Sanscartier. Claude Simard, who produced the album, also plays double-bass, percussion and keyboards.

If you like Klezmer music and Eastern European music, you will enjoy the sounds of Djelem. The album's mixture of joyful dances, deeply spiritual meditative instrumentals and modern pieces provide a cornucopia of different sounds and enduring entertainment.



过期时间 2005-01-23

落花娴情2005-01-19 23:48:05
Gossip~~~~2005-01-19 23:52:18
itagain?th2005-01-20 17:13:10
can not download, canyou write
饶舌2005-01-28 04:27:09