minority noun, often attributive
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mi·?nor·?i·?ty | \ m?-?n?r-?-tē , mī-, -?när- \
plural minorities
Definition of minority
1a: the period before attainment of majority (see MAJORITY sense 2)
b: the state of being a legal minor
2: the smaller in number of two groups constituting a whole
specifically : a group having less than the number of votes necessary for control
The proposition was opposed by a minority of voters.
3a: a part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment
the country's ethnic minorities
b: a member of a minority group
an effort to hire more minorities
from Webster
Ironically, NFL mandates that at least one minority candidate, or more precisely African American be interviewed before a hiring decision is made.
Are you the right minority when you are up for hiring?