颤音2021-06-08 15:43:14


Staring at ME in a mirror
Please answer
How do I reach Infinity
Me's answer as silent as divinity
Erect another mirror behind your path
Chase life in the bouncing light
Your journey as eternal as in math

vaguely philosophical © a year ago, xx   life   
 Like (2) 
Comment - What did you think? 

Likes: Jenny Middleton, K.P2To reply, click a comment.

Jenny Middleton - I like the visual reality of this poem Bashan, anyone that's ever looked in a mirror to see another mirror reflection of the back of their head will understand how clever this imagery is as a metaphor of eternity, journey and self perception.11 months ago 


K.P2 - Great poem and good use of metaphors. Also a good lesson at the enda year ago 


beautifulwind2021-06-08 17:05:05
哇, 这是目前我读过你的诗里最喜欢的一首!Jenny的评论真棒,把你的诗洞察得一清二楚!
青松站2021-06-08 17:30:25
天山晨2021-06-08 17:48:46
移花接木2021-06-08 18:39:31
何仙姑2021-06-08 20:02:44
I think is very well done!
盈盈一笑间2021-06-09 01:54:05
beautifulwind2021-06-09 04:31:45
颤音2021-06-09 16:12:31
beautifulwind2021-06-12 01:10:49
恭喜颤音。首页进来,谢谢网管,CF活动 Infinity 推荐成功