唐古2021-07-11 14:30:15

The latest cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, AI and internet have reshaped the landscape of automobile industry in China.

With the slogan "Bring Digital to Every Vehicle", digitalization in auto industry is speeding up in an innovation center of Huawei company in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province.

Driverless buses on roads and vehicles on rails are not just imagination but reality. People can now ride a self-driving bus in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province.

Technicians can also operate a 5G driverless vehicle running on a rail in Bengbu, East China's Anhui province.

New technologies have not only freed people from driving cars but also made vehicles greener and more environmental friendly.

More new energy vehicles are being manufactured at a FAW Hongqi new energy vehicle factory in Changchun, Northeast China's Jilin province.

Do you want to know how AI technology is transforming the auto industry? You can  take a look at an autonomous cleaning vehicle and unmanned truck at the World Artificial Intelligent Conference in Shanghai.

( china daily)

欲借嵯峨2021-07-11 14:41:08
I may see the Skynet taking over the world in my life:)
唐古2021-07-11 14:47:33
SpaceX, OneWeb, 6G comming
盈盈一笑间2021-07-11 19:29:40
Bring Digital to Every Vehicle. The slogan sounds cool.
xiaoruo2021-07-11 21:09:54
Yes, AI is transforming the whole world
beautifulwind2021-07-12 05:05:48
AI真是厉害,现在有类似AI可以做robotic-assisted surgery
移花接木2021-07-12 15:22:47
天玉之2021-07-12 16:18:01
陶陶三2021-07-13 02:28:25
有一部电影《机械姬》(Ex Machina)蛮有意思,推荐。机械姬虽然能通过图灵测试,但依然只是模拟,模拟到你分辨不出真假而已。
天山晨2021-07-14 01:36:46