甜虫虫2021-07-21 03:27:17
LYJiang2021-07-21 03:49:30
Grab this sofa & make myself an armchair philosopher.
LYJiang2021-07-21 04:05:05
Three takeaways: (1) Never assume that age & voice are
甜虫虫2021-07-21 04:38:59
Good evening armchair philosopher :)
ibelieu2021-07-21 05:17:33
Ha, ha, ha ... This is so funny, so
beautifulwind2021-07-21 06:23:11
甜虫虫2021-07-21 06:26:26
hahaha, I'm glad you had a good laugh :)))
甜虫虫2021-07-21 06:29:36
谢谢美风!我是不是玩的有点过啦?哈哈:)我用Audacity,升到high C,好像原来是 F,应该是升了4个Key
ibelieu2021-07-21 13:18:36
Kudos to the dad for not going up to high C by the end. :)
盈盈一笑间2021-07-21 16:09:14
忒忒绿2021-07-21 16:27:00
it’s a cute small girl,
忒忒绿2021-07-21 16:28:00
the voice is really from 甜虫虫? so sweet:)
忒忒绿2021-07-21 16:36:00
忒忒绿2021-07-21 16:36:00
天玉之2021-07-21 16:55:01
哈哈哈哈哈。。。笑死了,伊比写的段子吗?妙极了!朗诵也是超棒,那声音非五岁可比!We have some acting
甜虫虫2021-07-21 17:49:42
I debated if I should raise the pitch of that part and make you
甜虫虫2021-07-21 17:50:12
wail. haha
甜虫虫2021-07-21 17:51:13
甜虫虫2021-07-21 17:52:04
It's really me, 5-year old me :)
甜虫虫2021-07-21 17:53:45
AP339122021-07-21 17:55:00
very cute conversations - 这老爸(waiter?) 不知有否脸带微笑地对话-:)
ibelieu2021-07-21 17:55:37
Tried my wailing sound. Boy I scared myself. :)
ibelieu2021-07-21 18:00:32
Such beautiful performance leaves one wondering
甜虫虫2021-07-21 18:03:02
The 5-year old girl still lives inside, once in a while,
甜虫虫2021-07-21 18:05:20
You should thank me for not making you wail, haha.
甜虫虫2021-07-21 18:07:19
何仙姑2021-07-21 19:57:57
甜虫虫2021-07-21 22:15:57
Thank you! :)
beautifulwind2021-07-21 22:59:51
恭喜虫虫。首页进来,谢谢网管, Why Do Things Look Bent In Water By iBelieu推荐成功
LYJiang2021-07-22 02:55:48
I just took this sofa/armchair philosophically. Hahaha!
天边一片白云2021-07-22 14:24:24
haha. 虫虫的童声也好听。演得太好了。
花儿解语20212021-07-22 15:04:15
怎么这么可爱啊!Such a sweet little cutie! 赞虫虫的嫩嗓,好棒的朗诵!赞不够1
移花接木2021-07-22 20:04:54
purpose fullfilled, ibelieu set bait got him a daughter
甜虫虫2021-07-22 22:18:21
甜虫虫2021-07-22 22:19:27
甜虫虫2021-07-22 22:20:12
甜虫虫2021-07-22 22:21:37
哈哈, 啊...? :) 谢谢花帅!