甜虫虫2022-03-08 19:35:26

It's only fitting to write a girls' night out story on this speical day for WOMEN, right? :)

Happy International Women's Day, Ladies!

Yao Yao, Happy Birthday!

Girls' Night Out

Many years ago, I often hung out with my husband's coworkers. A few of them were young single ladies. 

That year, my husband recruited another postdoc, a young lady from England, Helena. She was a smart and fun young lady. She fitted right in. 

We often partied together and became close not long after. She told us she and her ex-boyfriend broke up a year ago and she was desperately looking for a guy. She tried to meet guys in bars and other places, but with no luck by that point. She decided to give herself a professional makeover. She spent quite a bit of money to get her hair done nicely. After that, she declared she was going to try out her new look. Her new hairdo did give her an entire new look. She looked more sophisticated and charming with the added highlights and those perky wavy curls. 

We, therefore, decided to have a girls' night out that Saturday. Since I was the only married one, I was naturally selected to be the designated driver. We went for an early dinner, then went straight to a bar to have some drinks. 

We situated ourselves strategically in the bar. Five of us sat at two tables, so that if guys wanted to join in, there would be room for them. I didn't want to be part of this game, so I chose to sit a bit away from these charming young ladies. I ordered a non-alcohol drink and sat there minding my own business.  Once in a while, I would check how they were doing and see if any of them had a guy to talk to, especially Helena. That was the amusement for me for the night. A couple of guys came to talk to me and offered to buy me a drink, but of course I declined their offers politely. Most of the guys here are nice. After I told them I was married, they simply said: Nice to meet you! Your husband is a lucky guy. :)

Helena did find a guy to chat with. They sat together the entire night chatting and drinking, her eyes sparkling, and cheeks flushing lovely red. A couple of other girls chatted with some guys too, but they didn't really click with the guys. 

We stayed at the bar till it was closed. We were all ready to go home except Helena. She had a little too much to drink. She could not separate herself from this new guy she just met. They walked out of the bar hand in hand. At a corner, they started kissing and fondling right there in front of all of us. We were like,“You go girl!” But, what should we do? Should we wait for them or should we leave them alone? Haha it was funny. We decided to wait for her. We didn't want to leave her there with a strange guy. So four of us stood there watching them making out and waiting for them to finish up. The kissing and touching went on for about 20 minutes before they finally parted reluctantly. 

She walked to us afterwards, and said with a shy smile on her face: Thank you all girls! I'm a little drunk, but I really needed this. She laughed, an awkward moment turning into laughter. We all laughed and went home happily.


Fairy Tale (cover Jin Chi)

In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
You only looked at me and I was yours
But when I turned around you were nowhere to be seen
You had walked away and closed the door
妖妖灵2022-03-08 20:26:15
妖妖灵2022-03-08 21:35:44
Really enjoy reading 虫虫‘s story!Can't help laughing!:) 
何仙姑2022-03-08 21:38:27
妖妖灵2022-03-08 21:40:18
虫虫 is a charming girl!Singing sounds like a fairy tale,多愁善感!
妖妖灵2022-03-08 21:50:47
仙仙快乐!是不是又玩Aerial silks啦?太牛了!:)
ibelieu2022-03-08 22:15:04
Happy International Women's Day, Chongchong!
甜虫虫2022-03-08 22:57:21
Thank you Ibe! No, she didn't marry that guy, but she
甜虫虫2022-03-08 22:59:06
甜虫虫2022-03-08 22:59:33
甜虫虫2022-03-08 23:02:35
Thank you! Girls' night out was always fun, but sometimes
ibelieu2022-03-08 23:18:25
I like such happily ever after endings. :)
CLary2022-03-08 23:46:29
忒忒绿2022-03-08 23:49:00
忒忒绿2022-03-08 23:52:00
甜虫虫2022-03-09 00:20:07
Me too, most definitely :)
甜虫虫2022-03-09 00:21:43
谢谢CLary! 节日快乐!你的歌声和唱法都很有辨识度,听过就不会忘 :)
甜虫虫2022-03-09 00:22:23
何仙姑2022-03-09 00:46:00
每天都翻几个跟头:)) 提提神
何仙姑2022-03-09 00:46:36
CLary2022-03-09 00:57:15
妖妖灵2022-03-09 01:04:54
rockcurrent2022-03-09 04:16:24
AP339122022-03-09 16:29:00
甜虫虫2022-03-09 17:10:23
AP 好!谢谢:)
甜虫虫2022-03-09 17:10:56
chuntianle2022-03-09 17:36:37
赞甜甜,有才。 声音动人
AP339122022-03-09 23:55:00
甜虫虫2022-03-10 18:35:55
甜虫虫2022-03-10 18:40:58
提啦米酥2022-03-12 03:46:55
好动人的歌声,又美又仙像一个Fairy Tale :)