Lily20052021-07-28 03:06:55

One summer my son stayed in China longer than I did. We talked often, and he usually ended our conversation with “I love you mom!” One day he ended it with “我爱你,妈!” I was so thrilled and screaming “wow …” He was puzzled, asked “Mom, what happened?” I said, “You just said I love you in Chinese!" “Yes, is I love you in Chinese different? “he asked. “Yes, I feel it is so special!” I replied. “Why?” he was really intrigued. I said “Because Chinese usually don't say I love you, and almost never say I love you to their parents.” “Really? You never say I love you to grandma?” Nobody had asked me this question before, I paused, then said “No, I don't think I ever did." “Wow, you should call grandma and tell her you love her.” he was so surprised. Next time when I called my mom, I took a deep breath, said “我爱你,妈!” I felt weird, and my voice is a little louder than usual, I guess I was nervous and maybe subconsciously trying to make up the loses that my whole life to that point that I had never said I love you to my mom.  I don’t remember what she said but I remember there was a silence. I can imagine that was so foreign to her to hear those words first time from her daughter, and she didn’t know how to respond to it. But I knew she must feel good and sweet. 

After that first time, I said “我爱你,妈” every time I called her. My son doesn't say “I love you mom.” anymore, and he always says “我爱你,妈.” This got me realize I got a culturally sensitive son who knew these three words weight lot more in his mom’s native language.

陶陶三2021-07-28 03:44:51
Lily20052021-07-28 03:56:51
不明白 “中文说快了不停顿,你儿子的实际意思是,他爱的是奶奶。”
AP339122021-07-28 04:02:00
he said, 我爱你妈(即奶奶or姥姥),叫他下次说:妈,我爱你。
Lily20052021-07-28 04:06:39
Lol, 谢谢指点!
陶陶三2021-07-28 04:11:28
beautifulwind2021-07-28 05:10:06
移花接木2021-07-28 13:25:28
I love u, u love me ,we are happy family
天玉之2021-07-28 13:44:05
AP339122021-07-28 15:01:00
盈盈一笑间2021-07-28 15:05:24
beautifulwind2021-07-29 00:31:31
恭喜Lily。首页进来,谢谢网管,“ I love you vs. 我爱你 ” 推荐成功
忒忒绿2021-07-29 01:19:00
Lily20052021-07-29 02:29:00
Lily20052021-07-29 02:31:00
beautifulwind2021-07-29 03:17:42
Lily20052021-07-29 04:21:00
beautifulwind2021-07-29 06:46:46
天山晨2021-07-29 13:07:54
Lily20052021-07-29 17:37:00
期待参加!关注、潜水,cheer leading 你的活动好久了????????
Lily20052021-07-29 17:44:00
顺序是否有要求2021-07-29 20:37:16
"妈,我爱你" == "mom, I love you"
beautifulwind2021-07-29 22:30:15
Lily20052021-07-29 23:46:00
Lily20052021-07-29 23:46:00