心存善念2021-11-22 19:49:20

这一名句出自唐朝元稹悼念亡妻之作“离 思”









”离思“说的是阴阳隔世相思之痛。以下这首歌“Nothing Compares 2 U”唱的是生离之痛,为Prince所做,被Sinead O'Connor唱红,是有名的tearjerker sad song. 如你不曾心碎,就不会懂有一种悲伤叫“逃不脱,挥不去”。只有一分一秒度日如年,直到不知不觉中被时间愈合伤口,只留一块伤疤和那仍就若有若无的持久的心痛。一古一今,一中一西,体会到那相通之处吗?


It's been seven hours and 15 days

Since you took your love away

I go out every night and sleep all day

Since you took your love away


Since you been gone, I can do whatever I want

I can see whomever I choose

I can eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant

But nothing

I said nothing can take away these blues

'Cause nothing compares

Nothing compares to you


It's been so lonely without you here

Like a bird without a song

Nothing can stop these lonely tears from falling

Tell me baby, where did I go wrong?


I could put my arms around every boy I see

But they'd only remind me of you

I went to the doctor, guess what he told me

Guess what he told me

He said, "Girl you better try to have fun, no matter what you do"

But he's a fool

'Cause nothing compares, nothing compares to you


All the flowers that you planted mama

In the back yard

All died when you went away


I know that living with you baby was sometimes hard

But I'm willing to give it another try

Nothing compares

Nothing compares to you


妖妖灵2021-11-22 19:56:59
青松站2021-11-23 05:00:09
雪晶2021-11-23 14:18:20
善-^ -青松站- +1