心存善念2021-11-23 18:45:22

Senator John McCann passed away on August 25th, 2018.  Since he’s been a decent and honest person in his earth life, he ascended to heaven and were welcome by the kind souls there.  


He was offered a tour in order to give him a sense of whereabouts.  The tour guide walked him around the heaven facilities.  Just to be a little more accurate, the way they walked there is more like floating or flying.


When they got to a huge room with countless clocks in display, it drew John’s curiosity.  Tour guide read his mind and explained,”Brother John, these are not normal clocks as you used to have on earth.  They are special instruments to record the lies made by earth people individually. You must still remember how hard not to lie on earth.” Then he showed John one of the clocks which showed zero, “This is mother Teresa’s, she has never lied even once during her life on earth.”


They moved on to anther, which displayed two.  Tour guide picked up the clock and showed to John, “This is for Honest Abe, you know it’s the nick name for Abraham Lincoln, since he was such an honest person, even when he was a lawyer and later president of your country on earth.”


At a moment, John tilted his head and noticed a clock attached to ceiling, which was spinning very fast, and asked“Why that one is up there on the ceiling?” “Oh, since that one spins too fast, we kind of repurposed it as a ceiling fan.”, and tour guide added,”You know whom that one is for? It’s Donald Trump’s.”



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