山丘-2021-11-28 19:43:47

A saying by Lao Tzu goes: “The greatest kindness is like water. Water benefits all things and does not compete.”


Water is humble. It flows to depths and moves downwards. In the process however, it infiltrates the soil quietly and ever so gently to make the soil rich and the plants grow.


Water is flexible; it is soft yet it can be tough.  As Bruce Lee once famously said: “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” Water does not constrict itself to any shape, form or temperature. It is able to adapt itself to whatever container it finds itself at any point of time, all while staying true to its core identity: water.


Finally, water is romantic. Water fills the world around us in amazing ways, even without us realizing. Look up at the sky and you might notice it floating up high, gazing down at you lovingly in the form of clouds. 


“上善若水,水利万物而不争”出自老子《道德经》。水的品性谦卑柔顺坚韧穿石利万物而不争。《艺伎回忆录》里提到传统东方女性似水的品性,柔韧隐忍,默默奉献不求回报。李小龙的女儿写的《be water, my friend》更是把水的品性上升到一个处世哲学高度。



Be water, my friend!~~~







妖妖灵2021-11-28 20:04:07
山丘-2021-11-28 20:11:47
哈哈哈 感到受宠若惊地抱抱抱抱妖妖灵~~~
心存善念2021-11-28 20:51:20
山丘-2021-11-28 20:59:43
对呀对呀 传统东方文化形容女性似水 很大一部分因素是母性
心存善念2021-11-28 21:42:11
妖妖灵2021-11-28 21:56:29
越牛的人越Humble。水最humble,也最厉害,所谓水能载舟 亦能覆舟。小转音唱得真好听!唱得潇洒如城老师!
移花接木2021-11-28 22:09:54
移花接木2021-11-28 22:10:50
妖妖灵2021-11-28 22:20:52
妖妖灵2021-11-28 22:26:30
AP339122021-11-28 22:49:00
哲理的话。李耳的水说影响好多人。 水让自己在最低处而容纳万物。
移花接木2021-11-28 23:13:51
你已经不是 liberation的第一代了,当年是一个人工作养活一家人的时代格外需要隐忍,如今谁离了谁都能活得好好的时代没必要了
山丘-2021-11-28 23:20:10
说得好!滴水穿石 想想背后的坚韧让人震撼 坚韧的人大多是谦卑的 就像申肖克的救赎里的男主
山丘-2021-11-28 23:24:00
移花说得这个我很认同。隐忍是很不健康的无奈情绪 在那个年代 特别东方文化女性很多时候没有选择只能隐忍
山丘-2021-11-28 23:26:59
别的国家我不了解 加拿大的文化是推崇humble的 而且这种humble是愉快的没有隐忍的 这个我特别喜欢和欣赏
山丘-2021-11-28 23:30:24
对的 很棒的哲理。家有小朋友的可以推荐小朋友们看看 很有实际的教育意义
beautifulwind2021-11-29 01:45:30
恭喜丘丘。首页进来,谢谢网管,心动的一句 上善若水,水利万物而不争 推荐成功
才歌2021-11-29 02:43:39
Good wisdom,,,thanks qiuqiu for sharing!
山丘-2021-11-29 04:03:55
哈哈哈 谢谢美风班主!~~~
山丘-2021-11-29 04:06:04
Thanks! Xiaocai,very nice to see you here~
甜虫虫2021-11-29 20:09:59
甜虫虫2021-11-29 20:10:16
雪晶2021-11-30 06:19:16
山丘-2021-11-30 14:52:32
抱抱甜甜!是的 是佳佳的金边和声 词是若初的~~~
山丘-2021-11-30 14:53:28
青松站2021-12-01 05:48:55