心存善念2022-01-30 16:47:40







Zhang noticed that many people's ears were frostbitten when he returned to his hometown one winter. He decided to wrap mutton, chilli and some warming medicinal herbs in dough skin. Folding them into the shape of an ear, he boiled them in water before giving them to the poor.


This food was originally called "Jiao'er" for its shape, and later the name slowly became Jiaozi.





Celery stuffing represents industriousness and (resulting) wealth. 芹菜(Celery) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (勤财). 芹菜馅代表着勤劳和财富,因为芹菜听起来像“勤财”。


Leek stuffing represents long-term wealth. 'Leek' (韭菜) sounds like 'industrious wealth' (久财). 韭菜馅代表富贵永久,因为韭菜听起来像“久财”。


Cabbage stuffing represents the blessing for a well-off life for a hundred years. 白菜(Cabbage) sounds like 'hundred wealth' (百财). 白菜馅代表了生活幸福长久的祝福。白菜听起来像“百财”。


Fish stuffing means surplus wealth. Reason: 'Fish' () sounds the same as 'surplus' (). Eating fish dumplings means wishing you have a lot of remaining money. 鱼肉馅的饺子意味着财富盈余。因为鱼与同音。吃鱼肉饺子意味着财富多多的祝福。

妖妖灵2022-01-30 18:14:00
移花接木2022-01-31 02:14:16
心存善念2022-01-31 04:49:26